40 Days

Sketchbook pages, arclicis, pencil, fineliner

After reading the book 'The Solace of Fierce Landscapes' I used the Processing computer language to put together an animation of the first line of pixels from a selection of desert images.

The animation's initial tranquility served as a starting point, from which I had planned to do a series of large paintings - inspired by Barnett Newman's zip paintings. I am interested in how moving work between the physical and digital medium changes it. As I did a series of colour studies to practise transcribing screen colours to paint I found that the studies themselves were more interesting than the intended large scale paintings. If you look closely at the notes, you will find intermingled with the recipes for re-mixing colours, personal reflections and thoughts as I went about the meditative journey of studying colours. Doing one colour study a day, it became my own 40 days in the wilderness.

In the end, the colour studies became the main piece, exhibited alongside the animation. The creative process played a pivotal role in the artwork and encouraged viewers to explore the evolution of the piece.

Best exlpored in Full Screen – High Resolution Scan